3part Harmony: Composition in RGB #1
Vancouver, BC, Canada 2006.
6 min., 216 feet (65.8 metres)
16mm color with mono optical sound (no dialogue)

This experimental dance film employs a bastardized version of the 1930s three strip Technicolor process. Shot entirely on black and white film through color filters, the images were recombined into full color through optical printing techniques, one frame at a time. The gestures in this dance work explore the psychological fracturing and reunification in representations of the female body.
Production Credits
Choreographed, Performed, Directed by: Amanda Dawn Christie
Camera Op.: Baharak Saeid
Camera Assist: Trent Payton
Gaffer: Knesha Yu
Continuity: Mai Sato
Location Sound: Sean Milliken
Documentation: Su Yon Sohn
Sound Design: Mark Hensley
Optical Printing: Amanda Dawn Christie
Screening History
(note: I have not kept good records of where my films have screened when sent out by my distributors)
2009 "Mire" Nantes, France
2008 “$100 Film Festival” Calgary, AB, Canada.
2008 “Atlantic Film Festival Halifax, NS Canada
2007 “Antimatter Underground Film Festival Victoria, BC Canada
2007 Defying Gravity Program Oaxaca, Mexico
2006 “6 Less than 10: 1 more than 3 ” Pacific Cinematheque, Van. BC Canada;
2007 “Litmus Test” Pacific Cinematheque Van. BC, Canada
2007 “Centred Screening” Island Media Arts Co-op, PEI, Canada;
2007 “Dance on Screen” Live Art Dance Presenters, Halifax, Canada
2007 “Halifax Independent Film Festival” Atlantic Filmmakers Co-op, Halifax, Canada
2007 “Stem Cell Festival” Metro Cinema, Edmonton, Canada.
2009 Mire, Nantes, France
2010 "Nocturne" Carbon Arc, Halifax, NB, Canada
2011 Mire, Nantes, France
2013 Heure Exquise ! Mons-en-Bar˛ul, France
2013 Agence du court métrage, Paris, France
2014 L'Association du Tati Roulant, Lille France
2014 HIFF, Halifax
2014 Sweet Magic, London
2014 Braquage, Paris
2009 "Dividing Roadmaps by Timezones", Canadian Film Institute, Ottawa, Canada
2009 "Dividing Roadmaps by Timezones", Vogue Cinema, Sackville, Canada
2010 "Dividing Roadmaps by Timezones", HIFF, Halifax, Canada
2010 "Dividing Roadmaps by Timezones", Winnipeg Cinematheque, Canada
Lightcone (Paris, FR)
Canadian Filmmaker's Distribution Centre (Toronto, CA)