The following performances are either undocumented, or the documentation footage has not yet been edited and uploaded.

The following performances are either undocumented, or the documentation footage has not yet been edited and uploaded. I am interested in revisiting and refining some of these, while others are best left behind.
What a Beautiful Piece of Heartache
2006, 2008 Live Performance
endurance. balancing on hands, while blindfolded and singing of heartache.
He Drives
2006 - Super 8 film projection with live audio accompaniment
sentimental folks song for my brother set to footage shot from the car he drove
Public Displays: Affection / Agression
2004 - Site specific public performance
(hopefully to be recreated again soon.. this time with documentation)
Ode to the Blue Dames
2000, Body, house paint, canvas - public performance
live body painting, self directed in many colours
in honour of the women who acted as brushes for a man's symphony
1998 - body, mud, water, humming
public performance
Composition / Decomposition
1997 - kinetic sculpture, dance, video, photo, audio, sledge hammers
building things up and tearing them down - literally