Off Route 2 at Paved Arts in Saskatoon

I learned a few new tricks in Saskatoon this week while installing Off Route 2!  For this version of the installation, we decided to opt for HD projection instead of a 35mm projector, for various reasons.  Given that we weren't going to be investing in renting a big 35mm projector, we opted to paint the gallery black, except for the screen, and to install 3 flatscreen monitors.  (My original conception for this installation was for a 35mm projector and 6 flatscreen monitors, but that version has yet to manifest).

Once we placed the projection to determine screen size, and to tape it off with painters tape, I learned a really cool new trick from David LaRiviere!  Once you tape off the screen, if you first paint over the outside edge of the painters tape with white paint, and let it dry, that will create a seal that will prevent the black tape from seeping in under the green tape, and will make for sharper cleaner lines.  How smart is that!


I was in town for a full week before the opening to install the show, and also to teach a workshop and present a performance of Requiem for Radio.  Part way through my week in Saskatoon, I did a radio interview with Bart Gazola, that you can listen to here: