Projecting at the Vogue Cinema in Sackville

I got to work up in the projection booth at the Vogue Cinema this weekend to project a few films on film as a part of AFCOOP's 40th anniversary screening tour.

We projected my film 3part Harmony on 16mm, and Becka Barker's Assembled on 35mm.
The rest was projected from BluRay.

It reminded me of a screening I presented there in 2009 that was all on super 8, 16mm, and 35mm.  We put the super 8 projector in the balcony, and both the 16mm and the 35mm were in the booth.  All of the images were bright and filled the screen from top to bottom, and the screening went smoothly!  That was in 2009.  This screening in 2014 went well too... but after the first two films it was just pressing play on the BluRay so I must admit that I did miss the excitement and the thrill of multiformat projecting, switching from projector to projector.  Being back in the booth at the Vogue made me really nostalgic for the thrill and the excitement that comes with complex multiformat screenings.  The fun behind the scenes.